Monday, November 30, 2015

6 Things I'm Thankful For (Post 5)

25. Christmas
To begin with I should say that I'm not a huge fan of Christmas celebrating. No one freak out on me and don't stop reading! What I mean by this is I don't particularly like the exaggeration some people put on it. I know this is a very important, big, special holiday for a lot of people. I also know many of you love decorating, watching Christmas movies, and just getting in the all around "Christmas Spirit". So for those of you who are those people please hear me out. I'm not a Christmas hater. I'm a very matter of fact type of person. I believe Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. I know you can still focus on that while watching movies and decorating your home; however, for me I don't like getting caught up in all that. I know you are all probably thinking, "I thought you were thankful for Christmas??" And I am! I'm thankful because of the real reason we should all celebrate. I'm thankful that our Lord and Savior was born, so that he could later die on the cross for every single one of us. So, as we get closer to Christmas I challenge you all not to get caught up in all the worldly attributes of Christmas. Sit down, and really appreciate why we celebrate this holiday.

26. You!
I am thankful for every single person that open this post! I love all the positive feedback I get from you all, and it really encourages me to keep going. I have loved doing this blog, and a lot of the reason is because of you!

27. Memories
Memories aren't always a good thing, but either way I'm thankful for them. I have plenty of both good and bad. For example, I lost my grandfather at the beginning of this year. The memories I have of him the last couple months aren't all that great. He wasn't himself, and it was a very sad time. I loved him so so so much. But when I get to missing him I don't think of those last couple months. I think of the years and years of great times I had with him. I always loved going to my grandparents pond and fishing with him. However, one of my favorite memories with him is how I would always brag about being his favorite The best part though was he would always agree. All that being said I'm grateful for memories like that. I'm grateful for memories of times with my friends, other family members, playing softball, and so many other things.
Looking back on those things make my heart happy. Another challenge I give you all is to enjoy your time with those you love. Enjoy what you are doing in your life. We all want to look back on our life and have more good memories than bad ones. Make that happen.

28. Breaks
It is almost time for Christmas break!!!! That means I get a whole month off!!!! Yes, I will still have to go to work (some of the time, I will be playing some hooky), but I don't have any school for a whole month. I'm so excited. Who isn't thankful for those times we get to relax and sleep a lot?

29. Forgiveness
I could go on and on about what forgiveness means to me. One day I will probably write a post about it, but today I just want to say a few things. I have done my share of stupid things, and I have been to the point where I thought no one would ever forgive me. I have also been where I was full of anger and bitterness, and thought it was impossible to forgive someone for what they did to me. During these times; however, I think back to what God did for me. God told me he would always forgive me if I repented and asked for his forgiveness. Remembering that keeps me going. It also helps me realize if the Lord himself will forgive me for my stupid decisions, then who am I to not forgive someone else for their's? I'm thankful God shows me this. My life verse goes along with this:
Matthew 6:14-15 
(14) For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. (15) But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

30. Chocolate
I'm ending my thankful posts with one of the best things ever! CHOCOLATE!! I love it in every shape, form, and fashion. Who's with me?!?

Monday, November 23, 2015

6 Things I'm Thankful For (Post 4)

19. Mail
I absolutely love getting mail. I think its extremely thoughtful. To me, it's not just a card, a picture, or a piece of paper. To me, it shows that someone went out of their way to think of me, and they wanted to let me know they were thinking of me. I think it is a very kind act, and I appreciate everyone that sends me mail. The reason I chose this thankful though, is because today I received a piece of mail from my 8 year old cousin, Zechariah. He drew me a beautiful picture and wrote me a very sweet note on the back. It's little things like that that make people happy. So I encourage all of you to send someone a piece of mail today.

20. Fuzzy Socks
I don't think I need to elaborate on this one. Who doesn't love fuzzy socks?!?

21. Support
I have always been so grateful to be surrounded by such an amazing support system. No matter what I'm going through or what dilemma I'm facing at the time, I have so many people around me who encourage and advise me on what to do. I'm even thankful for those people who support me in the way of telling me I'm being an idiot (mom). It's really comforting knowing that no matter what obstacle comes my way I never have to face it alone.

22. Mac and Cheese
MACARONI AND CHEESE IS THE BEST THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!! Seriously though my favorite thing to do is curl up on the couch with a fresh bowl of steaming hot mac and cheese. I may or may not be eating some this very instant as I write this post. . .

23. Veterinarians 
This past week I had to take both my babies to the vet for different reasons. I'm very thankful there are people who are specialized in taking care of my fur babies. Also, I know my dogs are very happy I don't try to doctor all their needs, and I let the professionals take care of them.

24. Right to Bear Arms
I have grown up around guns my entire life. My family goes shooting for fun, and my dad has always been big on keeping them in the house for protection. I have never felt scared around guns, and my dad has always made sure I know how to handle one when it's in my hands. I strongly believe Americans should have the right to protect themselves, and that's exactly what I plan to do. A couple weeks ago I got my pistol carry permit, and it feels quite comforting. This thankful is for many things. First of all, I'm thankful I was raised knowing what a gun is and how to use one properly. Secondly, I'm thankful no one in my family has had to use one to protect themselves against someone. And thirdly, I'm thankful to be able to protect myself with one. I'm thankful that our country allows this protection, and I hope it stays that way.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

6 Things I'm Thankful For (Post 3)

13. AC, But Mainly Heating
I am very thankful for my AC when it is hot outside, but more than anything I am thankful for my heater anytime it is below 70 degrees. I can't stand to be cold AT ALL! Last week my heat wasn't working for some reason, and it was 62 degrees for several days. I was about to lose it. Luckily, there was nothing majorly wrong with the system, and it was fixed very quickly. Now I can enjoy my lovely 78 degree home. Yes, I know many of you think I'm crazy for keeping it that high, but seriously being cold is absolutely miserable to me! Thank you heater!!

14. Understanding
Having people in my life that understand me and accept me is one of the most important things to me. So for those of you who have been able to do that, thank you. I know it's not easy for everyone to do, and that's ok. I'm not trying to please everyone, but I really love the people who love me.

15. Commitment
Being loyal is another important thing to me. If you are in a relationship with someone (not just intimate one, friends and other relationships as well) and they are not loyal to you then GET OUT! Being around people who keep their commitments and don't make promises they can't keep is one thing that makes healthy relationships. I understand there are always exceptions to backing out of something you committed to, but those people in my life who try to always do as they say mean a lot to me. Thank you for being those people.

16. Warm Weather
Ok, ok, ok I know many of you love this cold, snowy weather that is coming upon on us, but I HATE IT! Like I said above, being cold is like the worst thing ever for me. Sumer and Spring I miss you terribly. I know you will be here someday soon, but while you are gone remember you are always in my thoughts. I miss your sunshine, warm rays, and pretty flowers. I look forward to the days that we are together again.

17. Giving
It is officially the time of giving, and we all need to remember that. I'm thankful for giving because just seeing the smile and the effects it has on people makes me a happier person. By being able to help someone out it doesn't just benefit them it benefits us all. I know for me seeing the happiness in someone else is a wonderful gift in return. That gift is what I'm thankful for.

18. Hugs
So those who know me know I'm not the biggest hugger (read my blog post about being an introvert). But I really do love hugs. Yes, I know that doesn't really make sense. What I mean is I may not always hug back and I may not always want your hug, but those moments that the people I love ignore my wants and hug me anyway are some of the best. I want those people, who I sometimes tend to hurt unintentionally through my actions of not hugging, to know I am thankful for those hugs anyway. Those hugs are the best hugs and they show me that you don't care if I want it, you know it's what I need. And I promise I'll try to become a better hugger for you. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

6 Things I'm Thankful For (Post 2)

                                      7. My Dogs
I know people probably get very tired of me talking about how much I love my dogs, but they honestly mean the world to me. For those of you who are dog owners you probably know exactly how I feel (or close to it). Ashton and Lady make life perfect because they have to do the things no one else wants to do, and they can't tell me no. They get to listen to my problems, get tons of kisses and hugs, get screamed at when I'm in a bad mood, get dressed up in clothes, go walking with me, go for rides in the car, and so much more. But the best part is THEY NEVER COMPLAIN! They only ever show me love and affection, and they even get mad when I don't pay attention to them. Basically, they are the best creatures in the whole world. Life wouldn't be the same without them.

8. My Car
This "thankful" may not seem very big or important, but I am very blessed to be able to have a way of transportation to be able to go wherever and whenever I want. I understand many people don't have this blessing and that is precisely the reason it means so much to me. It may not be the best or the newest vehicle around, but it get me to and from where I need to go and for that I am grateful.

9. My Health
Overall, I am an extremely healthy person. And once again I know not everyone can say that. I get colds, I could break my arm, my back hurts a lot, sometimes I get foot cramps, but there is nothing deathly wrong with me. No matter what happens to me I will most likely heal from it. God has blessed me with a healthy body, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

10. My Independence
This one is a big one for me. I'm not just talking about being able to live in a free country and have independence, (yes that is very important to me, and I am thankful for that) but I am also thankful for my independence in the sense that I can physically do whatever the heck I want. So many people are dependent on wheelchairs, crutches, service dogs, other people, and many other things, and I'm glad that I'm not. Do not misunderstand me though, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with people who are dependent on those things. I am just thankful that I am not.

11. My Bed
There isn't much more to say here. I'm just very, very, very glad I have somewhere to lay my head at night. Plus it's very comfortable.

12. My Family
In the last post I talked about how I am thankful for my parents. My parents aren't the only family I have that has made me extremely grateful. I have aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins who have all loved me and done so much for me the past 18 years of my life. I am so blessed to be apart of a family who enjoys doing things together, and am even more blessed that we all live close together.

 I will forever have memories of playing with my cousins, spending the night at my Grandma's house on Christmas day, fishing with my Papa Ken, having my Paw Paw tell me wise words of wisdom and take me hunting, watching the Price is Right with my Maw Maw, and so many other things. My family is seriously the best.

Monday, November 2, 2015

6 Things I'm Thankful For (Post 1)

Since it's the month of thanks, and since we sometimes forget to share the things we are thankful for, I wanted to take the time do so. I encourage you to as well. I'm going to spend 5 weeks doing this, and each week I will name 6 things I am thankful for (30 days in November). Here we go. . .

1. God
Some of you may think "Yeah, yeah she had to get God in there. This will be the typical thankfulness blog". And you know what you're absolutely right. God has done so much for me. From dying on the cross for my sins, to comforting me while I cry myself to sleep, to providing for me, to blessing me with a healthy life, to so much more that I will never be able to thank him for near as much as he deserves. If it wasn't for God I wouldn't be here; it's that simple. So yes, this is quite the typical thanks to God, but he deserves it, and so much more. We get so wrapped up in our busy lives and forget to take the time to do this simple act. Every day it amazes me that God will always love me. I never feel like I completely deserve it, but he always pours it over me. And for that I am forever grateful and for that I will always love and adore him.

2. Parents
My parents and I have been on quite the journey together. They have loved me through the tantrums I threw as a child, the drama I caused as a teen, and the many many times I have asked for money. My parents drive me absolutely insane. Especially my mom (sorry mom I know you will read this, but you know it's true). I won't be able to ever understand why they have put up with me until I have a child of my own, but the fact that they have is why I am so thankful. We scream and fight with each other, on a daily basis, but somehow you still tell me you love me and you still will do anything for me.

I don't understand why you do things the way you do, but I always know you do them because you think it's best. I know you always have my best interest at heart. Thank you for being the 2 people that I will always be able to rely on to do that. Even when I'm old and married and have children of my own I know no one will ever care for me the way y'all do. Thank you.

3. Josh (My older brother)
Good ole Josh. You are probably too busy having fun doing goodness knows what to read this, but here is why I am thankful for you. You have made me cry, countless times, but through those tears you have taught me how to stand up for myself. You give the best hugs ever, even when I force them on you. Even though sometimes you want to pretend you won't, I know you would protect me against anyone and anything. You are a good listener. You showed me how to be a good driver by being a terrible one. You are the wildest spirit I have ever known, and that tells me that life can be fun. You are the best big brother I could ever ask for.

4. Friends
First of all if you're my friend you deserve an award. I know I'm extremely hard to deal with, and for that reason I have gone through many many many friends. So this is for those few who have stuck around over the years. Thank you for seeing the best in me. Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for loving me through the hard times. Thank you for spending time with me. Thank you for listening to all my problems. Thank you for just being there.
One friend who deserves a special thanks is my roommate. You are the first person besides my family to ever live with me. You are basically my family now. You have shown me many new things in life, and you have really tested my patience. You are the person I see every day. You let me borrow your clothes. You put up with my weird habits and my annoying complaining. But most importantly you haven't killed me yet. We get in arguments, and we don't always like each other, but just know I will always be thankful for you.

5. Education
The school I graduated from will forever hold a special place in my heart. The teachers, staff, and classmates there showered me with love and treated me as family. During my time there I had countless people pray with me and pray over me many times. I now have lasting relationships with not only classmates, but teachers as well who I love dearly. I will never forget the kind words and prays I received after losing my grandfather, being hospitalized, or just after having a bad day. Day after day I was amazed by the power of God in that school. I am beyond thankful I was able to attend and leave with amazing memories and amazing relationships.

6. UAH 
This one isn't going to be long or very deep, but I am so glad and so thankful I am able to attend a university in my hometown. Even though (like I said above) my parents drive me crazy I enjoy being able to grab dinner, or run by the house to say hi every now and then. I am very thankful that I know where everything is in town, and I am not in some foreign place I know no one or know nothing about. UAH has been a great school and a great fit for me.