19. Mail

I absolutely love getting mail. I think its extremely thoughtful. To me, it's not just a card, a picture, or a piece of paper. To me, it shows that someone went out of their way to think of me, and they wanted to let me know they were thinking of me. I think it is a very kind act, and I appreciate everyone that sends me mail. The reason I chose this thankful though, is because today I received a piece of mail from my 8 year old cousin, Zechariah. He drew me a beautiful picture and wrote me a very sweet note on the back. It's little things like that that make people happy. So I encourage all of you to send someone a piece of mail today.
20. Fuzzy Socks
I don't think I need to elaborate on this one. Who doesn't love fuzzy socks?!?
21. Support
I have always been so grateful to be surrounded by such an amazing support system. No matter what I'm going through or what dilemma I'm facing at the time, I have so many people around me who encourage and advise me on what to do. I'm even thankful for those people who support me in the way of telling me I'm being an idiot (mom). It's really comforting knowing that no matter what obstacle comes my way I never have to face it alone.
22. Mac and Cheese
MACARONI AND CHEESE IS THE BEST THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!! Seriously though my favorite thing to do is curl up on the couch with a fresh bowl of steaming hot mac and cheese. I may or may not be eating some this very instant as I write this post. . .
23. Veterinarians
This past week I had to take both my babies to the vet for different reasons. I'm very thankful there are people who are specialized in taking care of my fur babies. Also, I know my dogs are very happy I don't try to doctor all their needs, and I let the professionals take care of them.
24. Right to Bear Arms

I have grown up around guns my entire life. My family goes shooting for fun, and my dad has always been big on keeping them in the house for protection. I have never felt scared around guns, and my dad has always made sure I know how to handle one when it's in my hands. I strongly believe Americans should have the right to protect themselves, and that's exactly what I plan to do. A couple weeks ago I got my pistol carry permit, and it feels quite comforting. This thankful is for many things. First of all, I'm thankful I was raised knowing what a gun is and how to use one properly. Secondly, I'm thankful no one in my family has had to use one to protect themselves against someone. And thirdly, I'm thankful to be able to protect myself with one. I'm thankful that our country allows this protection, and I hope it stays that way.
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