I know people probably get very tired of me talking about how much I love my dogs, but they honestly mean the world to me. For those of you who are dog owners you probably know exactly how I feel (or close to it). Ashton and Lady make life perfect because they have to do the things no one else wants to do, and they can't tell me no. They get to listen to my problems, get tons of kisses and hugs, get screamed at when I'm in a bad mood, get dressed up in clothes, go walking with me, go for rides in the car, and so much more. But the best part is THEY NEVER COMPLAIN! They only ever show me love and affection, and they even get mad when I don't pay attention to them. Basically, they are the best creatures in the whole world. Life wouldn't be the same without them.
8. My Car
8. My Car
This "thankful" may not seem very big or important, but I am very blessed to be able to have a way of transportation to be able to go wherever and whenever I want. I understand many people don't have this blessing and that is precisely the reason it means so much to me. It may not be the best or the newest vehicle around, but it get me to and from where I need to go and for that I am grateful.
9. My Health
Overall, I am an extremely healthy person. And once again I know not everyone can say that. I get colds, I could break my arm, my back hurts a lot, sometimes I get foot cramps, but there is nothing deathly wrong with me. No matter what happens to me I will most likely heal from it. God has blessed me with a healthy body, and I couldn't ask for anything more.
10. My Independence
This one is a big one for me. I'm not just talking about being able to live in a free country and have independence, (yes that is very important to me, and I am thankful for that) but I am also thankful for my independence in the sense that I can physically do whatever the heck I want. So many people are dependent on wheelchairs, crutches, service dogs, other people, and many other things, and I'm glad that I'm not. Do not misunderstand me though, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with people who are dependent on those things. I am just thankful that I am not.
11. My Bed
There isn't much more to say here. I'm just very, very, very glad I have somewhere to lay my head at night. Plus it's very comfortable.
In the last post I talked about how I am thankful for my parents. My parents aren't the only family I have that has made me extremely grateful. I have aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins who have all loved me and done so much for me the past 18 years of my life. I am so blessed to be apart of a family who enjoys doing things together, and am even more blessed that we all live close together.
I will forever have memories of playing with my cousins, spending the night at my Grandma's house on Christmas day, fishing with my Papa Ken, having my Paw Paw tell me wise words of wisdom and take me hunting, watching the Price is Right with my Maw Maw, and so many other things. My family is seriously the best.

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