Boo Boo Kissers
Late Night Talkers
Best Friends
Rule Makers
Secret Keepers
Silly Face Masters
Joke Tellers
Lullaby Singers
Monster Killers
Piggy Back Givers
Wonderful Mothers,
You should know you are loved; it's not shown near as often as it should be. You should know you are beautiful; you are not told as much as you deserve. You should know you are not a failure; you have succeeded in so much. You should know you are a wonderful friend, and you keep the best secrets. You should know I'm sorry for my mistakes; I promise I'm trying. You should know you'll never be alone; even if everyone else leaves I will not. You should know you are not always nice, but it's okay. You should know I will always love you; no matter what.
Mothers deserve to hear these things. You have dealt with so much. You have stayed up countless nights consoling your children. You have kissed bloody knees, wiped snotty noses, changed poopy diapers. You have been a shoulder to cry on. You have helped support your family. You have held me when I have been tired and upset. You have taught me the most important aspects of life. You have told me people are hard to deal with and showed me how to do it. You let me know that everyone makes mistakes; even you. You have loved me when no one else did.
Even at the most fragile points in our relationship I have still loved you. I may have told you I didn't, but I did. You are the best listener. I love our talks. I hate your advice at times. I'm not admitting to it being right, especially on this public blog for everyone to see. I love your hugs. I may not always hug back, but on the inside I am. Thank you for supporting me in doing the things I love. Thank you for telling me I'm stupid when I want to do something absurd. Thank you for listening to me rant on and on about everything that has ever annoyed me. Thank you for letting me cry, and thank you for telling me to suck it up. Thank you for giving me everything I could ever need. Thank you for the slobbery kisses that I hate. Thank you for everything, mom. You will always be my number one fan. You will always be my role model. I may not always act like I appreciate you and I may not tell you I love you enough, but always know I do appreciate you and I will always love you.
With all my heart,
Your Daughter
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