Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Freshman 15

This is not a blog post about how every Freshman in college gains at least 15 pounds that first year, so don't worry you don't have to wallow in self pity and that bag of chips sitting next to you. Well you can, but I'm not telling you to. This post is simply to state 15 things I learned, and you may have as well, that first year of college. And for those who have yet to attend college listen up. This may help.

1. Go to your advisor.
I started going to my advisors from the very beginning. I've been to them just to chat, to schedule classes, to talk about scholarships, and so many other things. However, the most important conversation I had with one of them was asking for advice when a teacher wasn't responding to my emails about a grade error. After receiving no responses from my professor after countless emails, I decided it was time to talk to my advisor. I knew they would know what to do next. Sure enough I was right, and they handled my problem within the same day I went and saw them. Your advisors are there for this very reason. They honestly want you to come and see them. So use them to your advantage. Let them help you. Sometimes it's good to have a listening ear, and sometimes it's good to get advice from someone who isn't a friend or family member.

2. High school is over.
It's over people so move on! What I mean is things are different so stop wishing you could go back because you can't. Most importantly you need to be prepared and realize the friends you had in high school most likely won't be your life long friends. Some may and that's great, but a majority won't. So stop sitting there sulking about it and enjoy the now you're in.

3. Roommates.
Your roommates can make or break your college experience. It's all up to you how you let that play out. It's also very important to be prepared for the relationship you had with the person before moving in together to be changed. Living with someone is COMPLETELY different than just being friends. It's ok to realize your friendship may be better off without living with each other. If your lucky and your roommate gets to be your life long friend then hold that relationship close to your heart and enjoy every second. When it comes to your end of being the roommate always always always remember to respect the other person(s). Respect their wishes, respect their beliefs, respect their morals, respect their way of flat out doing things. You don't have to agree with everything they do. You don't even have to like it. But you should always respect it. Doing that will make things easier on the both of you.

4. Get involved. Or don't.
Everyone is going to continuously tell you to get involved in college. I'm not saying they are wrong and I'm not saying I completely disagree; however, you don't have to be involved with extracurricular activities to have a good college experience. My freshman year I joined one "club". To be completely honest I only did it for the scholarship opportunities, the cord I will get to wear at graduation, and the educational benefits it offers. That sounds horrible I know. My point is I'm glad I did it because not only can my parents never give me a hard time about never getting involved, but I also did get to do something on my own that made me step out of my comfort zone. So even if you don't want to be apart of some sorority, or fraternity, or society, or club, or whatever at least find something to do that your normally wouldn't. Step out of that comfort zone.

5. Get a job.
First of all I really hope you have had at least some sort of job before your freshman year of college, but if you haven't I strongly advise you do so now. I know many people are blessed, like I am, to have parents who will pay for your college career. BUT, just because you don't have to worry about paying tuition doesn't mean you should expect everything given to you financially. Plus having a job and having a purpose to be somewhere that people depend on you is just a good feeling. Having a job and earning money for the work that you did all on your own is reward enough, but you also get an income of your own that you can completely decide what to do with no questions asked by anyone. (I strongly recommend you check this post out so you at least don't go completely broke Give, Save, Spend).

6. Make new friends.
Like I said earlier, you're going to lose friends from high school, and that's ok. So go out there and make new ones! These people are more likely to stick around for a little while so make it count. And if you make a friend and it doesn't last, then don't fret. You're in college now and I'm pretty certain whether you're at a smaller community college or a huge university there are plenty of other people to make acquaintances with.

7. It's ok to miss a class every now and then.
Omg yes I said it. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE PERFECT ATTENDANCE!! No I am by no means telling you to never show up to class. I only skipped a handful of classes last year and because I never missed an accounting class I was reward bonus assignments just for being present on 3 separate occasion. So my point is you have complete control over if you get up and go to class. Most of you don't have parents waking you up and kicking you out the door. The decision is completely yours on whether you go or not. Showing up to class lets the professor put a name to a face and lets them know you respect them. What I am saying is you most likely aren't going to fail because you miss one or two classes here and there. So those nights where you are up until 5 A.M. writing a paper or cramming for an exam, don't stress over going to that art class or whatever it is. You'll be ok.

8. Take 8 A.M. classes.
I took two 8 A.M. classes last year and I am so glad I did. Getting up and starting the day bright and early gives you the feeling of being accomplished. It gets things going and helps you kickstart your day. If you can trust yourself not to skip EVERY class you definitely need to sign up for at least one. It's not as hard as it sounds.

9. Take a fun class.
Disclaimer: My 8 A.M. classes were my fun classes. This made getting up easier (and I wasn't as stressed those days I decided I just couldn't get up). Anyway, throw in some classes that don't mean anything. Take a gym class, a kayaking class, and freaking basket weaving class. I don't care what it is but take something that gets your mind off all the other classes that have you absolutely freaking out.

10. Call your mom/dad.
I know everyones relationship with their parents are different. And for those who don't have parents just find that one person who you can call up at any time and talk to about anything to get your mind off things. Even though I still live in the same town as my parents I don't see them as much as I did when living with them. However, I talk to my mom WAY too much. Definitely more than I did when living there. But my brother is the exact opposite. He ran off to the farthest college in the state and my parents sit by the phone waiting for him to call with anticipation and hope. You may not realize it but our parents need us. And we need them. You don't have to call them everyday and you don't have to come home every break. But give them a ring every now and then and let them know you love them. It really does mean the world to them.

11. Eat pizza at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Your in college people. Get fat and be merry. These are the best days of your life!!!

12. Don't eat pizza at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Ok for real though pizza at 2 in the morning is ok every now and then, but realize these may be great times but our stupid metabolism is slowing FAST. Being healthy is very important and getting in exercise is essential too. Find time to do those things. It not only will make you feel better, but it will help you get things done better.

13. Don't procrastinate. Seriously.
I am preaching to myself here. Just do that dang assignment when its assigned. And start studying the day you start the new material. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE YOU WILL REGRET IT!! I know you've heard it time and time again and you won't listen to me so I'll just wait and tell you I told you so like everyone else has done to me.

14. Find something you love to do alone.
Having down time to yourself is important. Find something you enjoy that is just you alone and do it. Whether its walking, reading, or sitting in bed. I don't care. Find time and be alone. It really does help you be way more relaxed and prepared to do other things.

15. Have a plant or pet.
I am lucky and have both of these. However, I understand there are restrictions for some like those who are in dorms, or certain apartments, or you have some other reason for not being able to have a pet. But I have never heard of a place or situation where you could not get some type of plant or even a fish as a pet. Find something that you have to be responsible enough to keep alive. Find something that you can talk to and watch grow. Yes I said talk to. It's perfectly ok to talk to a plant as long as no one is watching. Point is find something that gives you the responsibly of being an adult because you're sorta one of those now.

I hope everyone had/has a great freshman year!!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Smoothie Sensation!

This post is a little more fun than usual! This past year I found a love for smoothies. I was at a point where I was drinking them every day (sometimes even more than one a day). I've got out of the habit of drinking them as often, but I still love them! Smoothies are a great way to get your fruits and veggies in and sometimes even protein. They are great for meal replacements, snacks, or a quick breakfast. I wanted to share some of my favorite combinations with you, but the truth is just throw some of your favorite fruits or vegetables into a blender and you're good to go. It's always good to add some yogurt or milk (almond milk or other liquid is fine) as well. My smoothies are more fruit based and I always freeze them first. If you don't freeze them you will want to add some ice cubes. Either way will work! Here are some of my favorite recipes!
Berry Blast
   1 cup frozen berries
   1 cup organic spinach or kale
   1/2 cup bananas
   1 cup fruit juice
   181 Calories per serving

Green machine
   1 banana
   1/4 cup almond milk (or your choice of milk)
   1 and 1/4 cups chopped pineapple
   1 peach, peeled and sliced
   1/2 cup Greek yogurt
   1 - 2 cups fresh spinach
   Juice + zest of 1 lime, optional 
   Makes a lot so I split into 2 servings
   186 Calories per serving

Stoplight Smoothie
   1.25 cups frozen mango pieces
   1 cup frozen strawberries
   1 cup fresh spinach
   1 cup water / almond milk (I used half and half)
   Optional sweetener: frozen banana, honey, stevia or agave
   289 Calories per serving

   1 banana
   1/4 cup vanilla almond milk
   5 strawberries
   1/2 cup yogurt (nonfat)
   2 Tsp Honey
   133 Calories per serving

Peanut Butter Chocolate
   1 large banana
   3 Tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
   6 oz Greek Yogurt
   3/4 cup skim milk/almond milk
   1 Tablespoon honey, maple syrup, or agave
   1 Tablespoon peanut butter
   487 Calories per serving / 28 grams of protein

Summer In A Cup
   1 1/4 cup frozen raspberries
   1 banana (1 cup)
   1/2 cup pomegranate juice
   3/4 cup orange juice
   3/4 cup Almond Milk

   183 Calories per serving

Sunday, January 10, 2016

I'm Too Busy For God

I have had several people ask me these last several weeks when I was going to do my next blog post. My answer is usually along the lines of, "I'm trying, but I've just been really busy." I feel like that is always my answer to everything these days. I have sat down to write this blog so many times it's not even funny. Being the perfectionist that I am I feel like I need to get it just right, so I keep putting it off. I end up doing ten million other things that I have to do so I just don't have time to do it, or when I finally do have time I'm too tired. I know many of you out there feel like me. Like there just isn't enough hours in the day. Or maybe you're a stressor like me. Or maybe you even let your organizing and planning become a bad thing like I sometimes do. If I don't have everything planned and set I freak out. I have to know every little thing that is going on every single second of the day. It can become a nightmare sometimes. Quite often I sit down and just stare at my planner trying to figure out what I need to schedule, and if I have time to do everything.

Either "busy", "stress", "worry", or "anxiety" should be my middle name. Or all four. I find myself so stressed over the stupidest things. I end up piling way too many things into my busy days even when I know I can't do it all. This causes so much more stress and anxiety that is extremely unnecessary. Many times I even feel busy when I'm just sitting on the couch drinking coffee. Even though I'm just sitting there, my brain still goes crazy thinking about all the stuff I should be doing. As I lay in bed at night I reflect on my day, or my week and I almost always am disappointed. I feel unhappy, I feel like I should have done something differently, I worry about what I have to do the next day and if I'll even have the time. The other day as I was reflecting and thinking about these things I realized I haven't opened my bible since the beginning of August. And that is when I realized I've even started telling God I'm too busy for him.

When I decided I would write this post about being a busy person, I thought there would be people that could relate to me. At least I'm hoping I'm not the only one out there doing these things. It is one thing to be too busy to get everything done in one day, but I've begun cutting God out completely. During my winter break from school I found myself still consumed with stress and worry. I felt overwhelmed with the things I had to do and the fact that I just didn't have enough time to do them. I've been telling God that I can handle all this stress and worry on my own. I've been telling him he is too small. I find myself making excuses not to attend church.
And many times that excuse is, "I'm too busy", or "I'm too tired from being too busy." I feel like I'm becoming someone I never thought I would be. I feel like I'm disappointing my God. I feel like I'm just too busy, too stressed, too worrisome, too everything. Does anyone else feel that way?

I believe some of you do, and as I write this and as you read this I hope I help us both. I decided the first place I needed to start was in The Word. I have to get back to the basics. I have to start asking God for help. I have to realize I can't do it all on my own. 

We don't like to admit it all the time, but almost everyone at some point feels like they just want to give up. It doesn't always have to be because we are busy from doing things. It can be from being filled with hurt and pain, overwhelmed with family matters, being anxious or nervous. Whatever your reason for feeling like this is, this verse helps, by telling us all we have to do is ask God for help and He will help.
Matthew 11:28 - Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
For those who worry. THIS IS ME!!! I am the person who will worry about something that may or may not happen. If there is a possibility for something to go wrong you can guarantee it that I am curled up in a corner somewhere crawling out of my skin from worrying so much. These verses flat out tell us to stop doing this. God knows what is going to happen and he will take care of us. We need to just rely on him, and take one day at a time.
Matthew 6:25-34 (Too long to write all of them. Go look it up!) Here is Verse 34 - Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Ever feel like your are just melting away in a giant world that passes you by? Well read this chapter. God is mighty, and God is with us!
Psalm 46
Sometimes it is just easier to go with the flow. To just do what everyone else is doing. Why should we add that much more stress to ourselves by trying to be different? This is not what we should be thinking, although it is what we (I) end up doing 90% of the time. I feel like it's too hard and too much to try to stand up for God, read my bible, go to church, and say no to temptation. However The Bible tells us we should do otherwise.
Romans 12:2 - Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I could go find verse after verse to post on here, but my main point of all this is that we NEED God. Many of us will probably always have problems with stress and being too busy to get everything done. But we should never be too busy for God. We should always find that time to talk to, pray to, worship, thank, and love our God. He deserves every bit of it. And not only should we do it because he commands us to, but it will help us feel so much better.

So you may be wondering about why I put these pictures in. All of these pictures I took. Some are from my backyard, some are from across the world, and some are from driving down the road. However they all have one thing in common, they are all pictures of God's beautiful creation. HE did all that. HE painted that beautiful sky. HE shaped those mountains. HE is wonderful. When I look at these pictures I am in awe; I feel his mighty presence. Do you?

Monday, November 30, 2015

6 Things I'm Thankful For (Post 5)

25. Christmas
To begin with I should say that I'm not a huge fan of Christmas celebrating. No one freak out on me and don't stop reading! What I mean by this is I don't particularly like the exaggeration some people put on it. I know this is a very important, big, special holiday for a lot of people. I also know many of you love decorating, watching Christmas movies, and just getting in the all around "Christmas Spirit". So for those of you who are those people please hear me out. I'm not a Christmas hater. I'm a very matter of fact type of person. I believe Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. I know you can still focus on that while watching movies and decorating your home; however, for me I don't like getting caught up in all that. I know you are all probably thinking, "I thought you were thankful for Christmas??" And I am! I'm thankful because of the real reason we should all celebrate. I'm thankful that our Lord and Savior was born, so that he could later die on the cross for every single one of us. So, as we get closer to Christmas I challenge you all not to get caught up in all the worldly attributes of Christmas. Sit down, and really appreciate why we celebrate this holiday.

26. You!
I am thankful for every single person that open this post! I love all the positive feedback I get from you all, and it really encourages me to keep going. I have loved doing this blog, and a lot of the reason is because of you!

27. Memories
Memories aren't always a good thing, but either way I'm thankful for them. I have plenty of both good and bad. For example, I lost my grandfather at the beginning of this year. The memories I have of him the last couple months aren't all that great. He wasn't himself, and it was a very sad time. I loved him so so so much. But when I get to missing him I don't think of those last couple months. I think of the years and years of great times I had with him. I always loved going to my grandparents pond and fishing with him. However, one of my favorite memories with him is how I would always brag about being his favorite The best part though was he would always agree. All that being said I'm grateful for memories like that. I'm grateful for memories of times with my friends, other family members, playing softball, and so many other things.
Looking back on those things make my heart happy. Another challenge I give you all is to enjoy your time with those you love. Enjoy what you are doing in your life. We all want to look back on our life and have more good memories than bad ones. Make that happen.

28. Breaks
It is almost time for Christmas break!!!! That means I get a whole month off!!!! Yes, I will still have to go to work (some of the time, I will be playing some hooky), but I don't have any school for a whole month. I'm so excited. Who isn't thankful for those times we get to relax and sleep a lot?

29. Forgiveness
I could go on and on about what forgiveness means to me. One day I will probably write a post about it, but today I just want to say a few things. I have done my share of stupid things, and I have been to the point where I thought no one would ever forgive me. I have also been where I was full of anger and bitterness, and thought it was impossible to forgive someone for what they did to me. During these times; however, I think back to what God did for me. God told me he would always forgive me if I repented and asked for his forgiveness. Remembering that keeps me going. It also helps me realize if the Lord himself will forgive me for my stupid decisions, then who am I to not forgive someone else for their's? I'm thankful God shows me this. My life verse goes along with this:
Matthew 6:14-15 
(14) For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. (15) But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

30. Chocolate
I'm ending my thankful posts with one of the best things ever! CHOCOLATE!! I love it in every shape, form, and fashion. Who's with me?!?

Monday, November 23, 2015

6 Things I'm Thankful For (Post 4)

19. Mail
I absolutely love getting mail. I think its extremely thoughtful. To me, it's not just a card, a picture, or a piece of paper. To me, it shows that someone went out of their way to think of me, and they wanted to let me know they were thinking of me. I think it is a very kind act, and I appreciate everyone that sends me mail. The reason I chose this thankful though, is because today I received a piece of mail from my 8 year old cousin, Zechariah. He drew me a beautiful picture and wrote me a very sweet note on the back. It's little things like that that make people happy. So I encourage all of you to send someone a piece of mail today.

20. Fuzzy Socks
I don't think I need to elaborate on this one. Who doesn't love fuzzy socks?!?

21. Support
I have always been so grateful to be surrounded by such an amazing support system. No matter what I'm going through or what dilemma I'm facing at the time, I have so many people around me who encourage and advise me on what to do. I'm even thankful for those people who support me in the way of telling me I'm being an idiot (mom). It's really comforting knowing that no matter what obstacle comes my way I never have to face it alone.

22. Mac and Cheese
MACARONI AND CHEESE IS THE BEST THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!! Seriously though my favorite thing to do is curl up on the couch with a fresh bowl of steaming hot mac and cheese. I may or may not be eating some this very instant as I write this post. . .

23. Veterinarians 
This past week I had to take both my babies to the vet for different reasons. I'm very thankful there are people who are specialized in taking care of my fur babies. Also, I know my dogs are very happy I don't try to doctor all their needs, and I let the professionals take care of them.

24. Right to Bear Arms
I have grown up around guns my entire life. My family goes shooting for fun, and my dad has always been big on keeping them in the house for protection. I have never felt scared around guns, and my dad has always made sure I know how to handle one when it's in my hands. I strongly believe Americans should have the right to protect themselves, and that's exactly what I plan to do. A couple weeks ago I got my pistol carry permit, and it feels quite comforting. This thankful is for many things. First of all, I'm thankful I was raised knowing what a gun is and how to use one properly. Secondly, I'm thankful no one in my family has had to use one to protect themselves against someone. And thirdly, I'm thankful to be able to protect myself with one. I'm thankful that our country allows this protection, and I hope it stays that way.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

6 Things I'm Thankful For (Post 3)

13. AC, But Mainly Heating
I am very thankful for my AC when it is hot outside, but more than anything I am thankful for my heater anytime it is below 70 degrees. I can't stand to be cold AT ALL! Last week my heat wasn't working for some reason, and it was 62 degrees for several days. I was about to lose it. Luckily, there was nothing majorly wrong with the system, and it was fixed very quickly. Now I can enjoy my lovely 78 degree home. Yes, I know many of you think I'm crazy for keeping it that high, but seriously being cold is absolutely miserable to me! Thank you heater!!

14. Understanding
Having people in my life that understand me and accept me is one of the most important things to me. So for those of you who have been able to do that, thank you. I know it's not easy for everyone to do, and that's ok. I'm not trying to please everyone, but I really love the people who love me.

15. Commitment
Being loyal is another important thing to me. If you are in a relationship with someone (not just intimate one, friends and other relationships as well) and they are not loyal to you then GET OUT! Being around people who keep their commitments and don't make promises they can't keep is one thing that makes healthy relationships. I understand there are always exceptions to backing out of something you committed to, but those people in my life who try to always do as they say mean a lot to me. Thank you for being those people.

16. Warm Weather
Ok, ok, ok I know many of you love this cold, snowy weather that is coming upon on us, but I HATE IT! Like I said above, being cold is like the worst thing ever for me. Sumer and Spring I miss you terribly. I know you will be here someday soon, but while you are gone remember you are always in my thoughts. I miss your sunshine, warm rays, and pretty flowers. I look forward to the days that we are together again.

17. Giving
It is officially the time of giving, and we all need to remember that. I'm thankful for giving because just seeing the smile and the effects it has on people makes me a happier person. By being able to help someone out it doesn't just benefit them it benefits us all. I know for me seeing the happiness in someone else is a wonderful gift in return. That gift is what I'm thankful for.

18. Hugs
So those who know me know I'm not the biggest hugger (read my blog post about being an introvert). But I really do love hugs. Yes, I know that doesn't really make sense. What I mean is I may not always hug back and I may not always want your hug, but those moments that the people I love ignore my wants and hug me anyway are some of the best. I want those people, who I sometimes tend to hurt unintentionally through my actions of not hugging, to know I am thankful for those hugs anyway. Those hugs are the best hugs and they show me that you don't care if I want it, you know it's what I need. And I promise I'll try to become a better hugger for you.