1. Go to your advisor.
I started going to my advisors from the very beginning. I've been to them just to chat, to schedule classes, to talk about scholarships, and so many other things. However, the most important conversation I had with one of them was asking for advice when a teacher wasn't responding to my emails about a grade error. After receiving no responses from my professor after countless emails, I decided it was time to talk to my advisor. I knew they would know what to do next. Sure enough I was right, and they handled my problem within the same day I went and saw them. Your advisors are there for this very reason. They honestly want you to come and see them. So use them to your advantage. Let them help you. Sometimes it's good to have a listening ear, and sometimes it's good to get advice from someone who isn't a friend or family member.
It's over people so move on! What I mean is things are different so stop wishing you could go back because you can't. Most importantly you need to be prepared and realize the friends you had in high school most likely won't be your life long friends. Some may and that's great, but a majority won't. So stop sitting there sulking about it and enjoy the now you're in.
3. Roommates.
4. Get involved. Or don't.
Everyone is going to continuously tell you to get involved in college. I'm not saying they are wrong and I'm not saying I completely disagree; however, you don't have to be involved with extracurricular activities to have a good college experience. My freshman year I joined one "club". To be completely honest I only did it for the scholarship opportunities, the cord I will get to wear at graduation, and the educational benefits it offers. That sounds horrible I know. My point is I'm glad I did it because not only can my parents never give me a hard time about never getting involved, but I also did get to do something on my own that made me step out of my comfort zone. So even if you don't want to be apart of some sorority, or fraternity, or society, or club, or whatever at least find something to do that your normally wouldn't. Step out of that comfort zone.
5. Get a job.
First of all I really hope you have had at least some sort of job before your freshman year of college, but if you haven't I strongly advise you do so now. I know many people are blessed, like I am, to have parents who will pay for your college career. BUT, just because you don't have to worry about paying tuition doesn't mean you should expect everything given to you financially. Plus having a job and having a purpose to be somewhere that people depend on you is just a good feeling. Having a job and earning money for the work that you did all on your own is reward enough, but you also get an income of your own that you can completely decide what to do with no questions asked by anyone. (I strongly recommend you check this post out so you at least don't go completely broke Give, Save, Spend).
6. Make new friends.
Like I said earlier, you're going to lose friends from high school, and that's ok. So go out there and make new ones! These people are more likely to stick around for a little while so make it count. And if you make a friend and it doesn't last, then don't fret. You're in college now and I'm pretty certain whether you're at a smaller community college or a huge university there are plenty of other people to make acquaintances with.
7. It's ok to miss a class every now and then.
Omg yes I said it. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE PERFECT ATTENDANCE!! No I am by no means telling you to never show up to class. I only skipped a handful of classes last year and because I never missed an accounting class I was reward bonus assignments just for being present on 3 separate occasion. So my point is you have complete control over if you get up and go to class. Most of you don't have parents waking you up and kicking you out the door. The decision is completely yours on whether you go or not. Showing up to class lets the professor put a name to a face and lets them know you respect them. What I am saying is you most likely aren't going to fail because you miss one or two classes here and there. So those nights where you are up until 5 A.M. writing a paper or cramming for an exam, don't stress over going to that art class or whatever it is. You'll be ok.
8. Take 8 A.M. classes.
I took two 8 A.M. classes last year and I am so glad I did. Getting up and starting the day bright and early gives you the feeling of being accomplished. It gets things going and helps you kickstart your day. If you can trust yourself not to skip EVERY class you definitely need to sign up for at least one. It's not as hard as it sounds.
9. Take a fun class.
Disclaimer: My 8 A.M. classes were my fun classes. This made getting up easier (and I wasn't as stressed those days I decided I just couldn't get up). Anyway, throw in some classes that don't mean anything. Take a gym class, a kayaking class, and freaking basket weaving class. I don't care what it is but take something that gets your mind off all the other classes that have you absolutely freaking out.
10. Call your mom/dad.
I know everyones relationship with their parents are different. And for those who don't have parents just find that one person who you can call up at any time and talk to about anything to get your mind off things. Even though I still live in the same town as my parents I don't see them as much as I did when living with them. However, I talk to my mom WAY too much. Definitely more than I did when living there. But my brother is the exact opposite. He ran off to the farthest college in the state and my parents sit by the phone waiting for him to call with anticipation and hope. You may not realize it but our parents need us. And we need them. You don't have to call them everyday and you don't have to come home every break. But give them a ring every now and then and let them know you love them. It really does mean the world to them.
11. Eat pizza at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Your in college people. Get fat and be merry. These are the best days of your life!!!
12. Don't eat pizza at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Ok for real though pizza at 2 in the morning is ok every now and then, but realize these may be great times but our stupid metabolism is slowing FAST. Being healthy is very important and getting in exercise is essential too. Find time to do those things. It not only will make you feel better, but it will help you get things done better.
13. Don't procrastinate. Seriously.
I am preaching to myself here. Just do that dang assignment when its assigned. And start studying the day you start the new material. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE YOU WILL REGRET IT!! I know you've heard it time and time again and you won't listen to me so I'll just wait and tell you I told you so like everyone else has done to me.
14. Find something you love to do alone.
Having down time to yourself is important. Find something you enjoy that is just you alone and do it. Whether its walking, reading, or sitting in bed. I don't care. Find time and be alone. It really does help you be way more relaxed and prepared to do other things.
15. Have a plant or pet.
I hope everyone had/has a great freshman year!!
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