The whole reason I wanted to start this blog, and my main goal in life is to listen to peoples' stories. I want people to hear my stories, and I want to inspire people to share their's. I truly believe everyone deserves to be heard, and I can't stand when people begin to make assumptions about others, especially about me, when they have no idea what that person has been through or why they are the way they are. Everyone is different, and we have no right to judge someone because they are different than us. You may be thinking someone is so strange for doing something a certain way, but you know what, they are probably thinking the same thing about you. We have to learn to deal with, understand, and accept people for who they are. God didn't intend for everyone to have the same personality.
All that being said I would like to focus on the introverts of the world. We (yes, in case you are completely clueless, or you do not know me I am an introvert) are so misunderstood and many times looked down on. I hope after reading this you understand and accept us a little bit better.
To get a definition and a little sense of what an introvert actually is, here is what Urban Dictionary has to say about them:
"A person who is energized by spending time alone. .
. Contrary to popular belief, not all introverts are shy. Some may have
great social lives and love talking to their friends but just need some time to
be alone to "recharge" afterwards. The word "Introvert" has
negative connotations that need to be destroyed. Introverts are simply
misunderstood because the majority of the population consists of

As an introvert I have been misunderstood by many people and that's the main reason I wanted to do this post. My friends, and even my family, don't quite understand my personality at times. Introverts can come across as push offish or even flat out mean. However, just because we don't want to come in the room and say hi to everyone or start chatting away about our day that doesn't mean those things. It simply means we are an introvert, and we need alone time. We need quiet. We need solitude. But just because we need those things it doesn't mean we hate people.

We enjoy spending time with those we love, but only for so long. It physically and emotionally takes a lot out of us and we have to be able to recharge after a certain length of time. We tend to not make friends as easily or as quickly as extroverts do, but thats because we put a lot of time and effort into it. We don't want to be friends with just anyone. We want our friends to understand how much we love and care for them. We want to get to know someone truly and fully before allowing them into our lives. And if you are lucky enough to become one of those people we pray we don't scare you off with our different personality traits. I titled this post "Hard To Love" because people tend to run away from us. We can seem difficult to deal with, so many just rather not. I want people, including myself, to realize others are different, but we all need love and to show love. Sometimes we just do it in different ways. Extroverts are fun, energetic people, and without them in the world things would get boring. However, without the introverts things could get out of hand. Luckily God made everyone a little different. As an introvert it can be hard for me to understand why people like being loud and go out all the time. I enjoy spending my time at home alone, not because I am depressed or lonely but because it's calming and I enjoy it. So for someone not to be like that is foreign to me, so I completely understand why people think its insane to do what I like to do. All I hope is for people to understand that it is ok that people don't do the same things as you. It's ok I don't like going out, and it's ok that you do. It's ok I like being quiet, and it's ok you enjoy talking.
I saw this cartoon one day, and I just thought how perfectly it explained my life. This is the perfect guide to how to deal with my kind. I wanted to add my thoughts on it as well though.
Introverts live with a constant bubble around them. The key to dealing with that is respecting it.
This post isn't meant to say extroverts are evil. Extroverts are great people, but they are VERY different than introverts. However, it literally can terrify us when extroverts push their personalities onto us.
9/10 times we will not start the conversation. We enjoy talking at times, but we also don't enjoy pointless talking.
Like I said above, we love people just give us time.
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